I bought a book.

Yea, you read that right, I spent money on a bound stack of paper. Woo-woo…

Anywho, for you non-non-believers out there (those of you who think I can read) The book is called Designing with Web Standards and it is by a man named Jeffery Zeldman.

I guess what I wanted was a nice reference book of XHTML 1.1 and CSS 1&2 tags and attributes. Reason being I’ve got a few HTML books (based on HTML 2 era code), *and* they’re in Minnesota. Well, this isn’t what I was looking for. It appears to be comprised of methods and theories on how to make websites with standards, and the future of the internet, and internet devices in mind.

I got the book, because the book I was looking for didn’t seem to exist. Also, I’d heard many good things about the book I did get, and it seems like it’d be a good hunk of dead tree-matter that every [self proclaimed] web-designer should read. If you have any suggestions on recent reference books for XHTML 1.1 and CSS 1+2 please leave a comment for me, I’d appreciate it.

Back to reading I guess… Have a nice day.