Residency Denied.

Well I got denied for the second time yesterday. I went to Portland on Tuesday for the IRC (Interinstitutional Residency Committee) meeting, and made my case. I guess it wasn’t convincing enough, as I found out I was rejected yesterday. I truely don’t understand how the number of credits I am taking can have any effect on my intentions of moving to Oregon.

I’ve been here a year, have been pursuing my career the whole time (via trying to obtain an education, [passively] looking for clients for both web-design and video, and gaining experience at my job (I really dig my job) and through my hobbies (web design, playing with computers on my own time, etc). I went skiing at 3 different Oregon ski areas last winter, and kayaking once this past spring. I’m a freaking Oregonian, dammit!

I’ve got about 9 days to submit my final written appeal to the Chancellor of the Oregon University System, and I’m in the process of outlining it now.

Work stuff: I’m also in the process of writing up a proposal for a modestly sized web design project. I really hope I get it, as it would be very valuable experience for me, as web design is something I enjoy doing, and is something I’ve been looking into for a source of income for quite some time. Yay!

Update (re: yesterday’s post): The water is back on, and my truck was still in the parking lot this morning. Yay!

3 thoughts on “Residency Denied.”

  1. Dear Lou, Like your site, like your politics and feel bad about your denial! Call sometime before I go to sleep. Love, Mom

  2. Louie call your mom! Anyway, I hope you get this residency thing figured out. Good to hear your truck is still there. And uh, yea good luck with the web design.

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