Spudmen Pole, Pedal, and Paddle

Last year I was invited to watch my brother’s team compete in the Bend Pole Pedal Paddle competition, they finished 4th in their devision. This year their x-country skier MIA because he was getting married soon. Enter Mike. Now these guys were in the 30-34 age bracket last year, and would’ve been into the 35-44 bracket this year (stiffer competition). Enter Me! Team Spudmen 2005: Pete, Butch, Mark, Dan, Mike and myself (Male Team 30-34).

Dan & I headed out Friday morning and had lunch with a buddy of his in Lapine, then tooled around Bend until the rest of the team arrived. Picked up the race packet, checked out a boat shop or two. The rest of our team arrived from Boise between 6-7pm, unloaded the boat, and we were off in search of dinner. We got some huge pizzas and a couple pitchers of beer. Mark ate too much, then proceeded to talk us into stopping at Safeway for desert. After hanging out there for a while, we drove off to find a spot to camp.

After sleep, and waking up, we headed back to Safeway for some breakfast and to use their facilities. From the parking lot we split up, Butch, Mike and I headed up to the mountain, and the rest stayed in town for their legs of the race. Now, being the moron that I am, I forgot my ski pass in town, so when we got up there, I had to spend $48 on a freaking pass (but it is good for some runs next year as well). We geared-up and I headed up the mountain for a warm-up run, then got in line for my start. I was the 2nd skier to my skis and went as fast as I could. The snow was typical mush for spring skiing, ruts were literally knee-deep which made things difficult– and I crashed, hustled to get my skis back on and started passing the people that passed me. I hear I was about 5th from my group to finish the leg, and Mike was off for the Cross Country Ski leg. I hurried to find Butch so I could let him know when to get on his bike. Mike made up for my crash and finished second for our group, then Butch was off. Mike and I drove through Sun River and back into town. Mark did the run, Pete & Dan paddled the canoe, and Mark sprinted to the finish!

We finished first in our division (and by 41 seconds), see the results. We hit the beer garden and drank a bit to celebrate. We then took off to the Deschutes Brew Pub for a round of beers, and then to another bar for more beer and some food. All total, I’d say I had 11-12 beers and we were on the way back to the camp site by around 11pm.

This morning Pete, Dan and I headed for the Deschutes River and the rest of the guys went for a mountain bike ride. We kayaked down until Lava Island Falls (I had to portage around one rapid), then hiked back up to the car and drove back to town to meet the other guys for lunch, and everyone went home, winners.

I’ve now skied 5 months this year so far! I am going to attempt to ski (on snow) all 12 months this year 😀 (7 to go).

And so it ends?

Could it be? Did I pull my skis out of my truck for the last time this season? Dude, it’s the middle of April, and it hardly snowed this year. The winter that barely started is coming to a definite close. Some areas have been closed a month already, the last few will be closing after next weekend.

My brother and I sent the season out packing with a bang though. I picked him up at the Seattle airport Thursday morning, and we drove up into British Columbia. It seems the closest place to the border (Apex) closed already, and none of the others do night skiing anymore. We made it to SilverStar by about 4:30pm, then turned back to town where we stayed at a Super-8. I bought a medium pizza at Little Caesars for $5 Canadian (came to about USD$4.38), and my brother got a 6pk of some frenchie beer for dinner. Flipping through the channels, I made sure to stop on MuchMusic for a few minutes (even though it was some random rap video), to spite Justin.

Awake at 7:30am I jump in the shower, grab by continental breakfast (read: toast… no fruit, no cereal, no waffles, just toast and juice or coffee), and we’re on our way back to SilverStar. Snow conditions were very icy, but I enjoyed myself, as I’m from Minnesota, and grew up skiing on icy snow. Things loosened up a bit, after finding a patch of powder for a run or 2, we decide to head to Big White at about 11:30. We had “free” tickets to both these places (plus Apex and SunPeaks), but SilverStar and Big White are under the same management or something, so we only needed the one ticket for the day. We were driving in the clouds and snow for about half the drive up there, and the snow was excellent. We skied until close.

Then we figured we could either ski for maybe 2 hours at SunPeaks on Saturday (and risk my brother missing his flight if traffic was bad or something), or ski all day somewhere in Washington. We decided to take the full day of skiing. Neither of us really making a decision, we ended up at The Summit at Snoqualmie, and skied Alpental all morning (they have like 4 sections of ski area, Alpental is across the highway, has more advanced terrain, and had more snow, yay). Then around 2ish we drove around to Summit West and dodged the people and rocks for a couple runs.

We went to a bar in Seattle and each got a brew and some munchies before I dropped my brother off at the airport. Then I had to make the decision if I wanted to ski solo today. I did drive to Crystal Mountain, and slept for several hours in the parking lot, and decided about 4am that I would rather ski that place during a good snow year with better condititions.

So here I sit. At home. With people bugging me to blog more often.

My final count on the year: 20 days skiing, 11 ski resorts (Hoodoo, Willamette, AnthonyLakes, Bogus, Bachelor, Targhee (Cat ski), Tamarack, Meadows, SilverStar, BigWhite, Snoqualmie) in 4 states and 1 province (OR, ID, WA, WY, BC). Not bad for a shitty snow year. I’m trying to find my count from last year to compare, but this blog doesn’t go back that far. Stay tuned. [edit (9:23pm): Last year I only got 16 days of skiing at 6 ski areas in 4 states. I quote from my final skiing entry of last season, on April 1 2004: “Not too shabby considering my season pass was in a diffeent state, and I’m a college student without a lot of money.”] Also, it looks like I may be participating in the alpine leg of a Pole-Pedal-Paddle competition next month, I sure am looking forward to it if I am indeed competing.

Aside from all that skiing stuff, I’m pulling together a waterski club sport team this year at UO. Woohoo!!

Some links:
No more cookies for Cookie Monster
Master of Penguins?
Ye search mecha?
Cheap ink.


Well I’ll try taking a crack at this blogging events when they happen thing. Even though I’ve already mentioned this to several people.

Today I was up skiing at Hoodoo (with my skiing class). Towards the end of the day, I was skiing along, just got out of some bumps, picking up speed… I look down and noticed my left ski had fallen off. So the only way I could think of to stop was crash, and crash I did. As I was getting up, I realize my wrist hurts a little. Anyways, if anything was wrong with it, I didn’t want to know, so I skied a few more runs. We went in, and I got all my gear off, then went to the Ski Patrol building to have it looked at. The Ski Patroller didn’t think it was broken, likely sprained. Wrapped it up, gave me a baggie of snow to keep it cold, and said if it didn’t feel better by morning to go see a doctor.

Typing is less than fun, but I think I’m managing ok. Tomorrow morning will be more telling though.

[editor’s note: I couldn’t find an appropriate graphic for this post, hopefully I’ll find something for that soon]