Motivate me.

Well I mentioned a remodel of this layout a while ago in this post (the mock up of the new revision is over here. I’d love to get some feedback on it (any aspect of it, really) It should also be completely accessable in Netscape4.7 and Lynx (though not too flashy). I haven’t really touched it since then.

I’ve been working on being a student and trying to find a job. Recently I’ve been working on a new layout for the VHS Ski Team site, and that should be running as soon as I get some material from the booster club.

As long as I’m here, if you’re using Internet Explorer (“the big blue e”) Please do yourself a favor and get web browser that supports the web standards, and isn’t as insecure as Stuart Smalley. I reccomend Firebird (a light-weight, easy to use Mozilla based browser) for Mac or Windows, and if you’re fortunate to have Mac OS X, and don’t have them, check out Safari and Camino! There are approximately 31 known and unpatched holes in Microsoft’s dandy of a web browser, so many people use it, and wonder how viruses and worms spread so quickly. Protect yourself and make the internet a better place.

hmm, 2 entries in one night, wtf?

I bought a book.

Yea, you read that right, I spent money on a bound stack of paper. Woo-woo…

Anywho, for you non-non-believers out there (those of you who think I can read) The book is called Designing with Web Standards and it is by a man named Jeffery Zeldman.

I guess what I wanted was a nice reference book of XHTML 1.1 and CSS 1&2 tags and attributes. Reason being I’ve got a few HTML books (based on HTML 2 era code), *and* they’re in Minnesota. Well, this isn’t what I was looking for. It appears to be comprised of methods and theories on how to make websites with standards, and the future of the internet, and internet devices in mind.

I got the book, because the book I was looking for didn’t seem to exist. Also, I’d heard many good things about the book I did get, and it seems like it’d be a good hunk of dead tree-matter that every [self proclaimed] web-designer should read. If you have any suggestions on recent reference books for XHTML 1.1 and CSS 1+2 please leave a comment for me, I’d appreciate it.

Back to reading I guess… Have a nice day.