
I need to blog more, so you all (who am I kidding, both of you) can suffer through reading about the meaningless existance I lead. I think my blogging problem stems from the fact that when I do write up an entry, it covers a week (or a month) worth of the few interesting things that happen. Maybe shorter entries to say something like “Hey, I just saw Napoleon Dynamite (trailer) for the first time at David’s. It was pretty stupid, but alas it was funny.” I’ll try, but we’ll see.

Yesterday in my conditioning class, we went outside to play flag-capture-the-flag (this is where everyone wears flags around their waist, while playing capture the flag, flag-football style). I’ve never played flag-football, nor have I ever played capture the flag without using a computer and/or guns of some sort. On one end of the field there was a parking lot, and lets say that skin doesn’t like blacktop. On the plus side, I *did* get the guy’s flag I was going for. Here’s what my knee looks like:

And the status of the UO waterski club/team is yet still unknown. I decided with my wrist still hurting (backstory: 1, 2), my legs still burning from 3 hours of running around outside yesterday, and my nice empty bank account, that I shouldn’t go spending over $100 to make one waterskiing run (6+ hour drive each way, +$35 entry fees). You know what sucks when it’s over a week until payday? This does:

Not to mention a credit card bill to pay off, and tuition moneys due soon.

Anyhow, it sounded like more people would be interested in the competition end of things for the Fall season (collegiate competition is split into spring and fall seasons). So I/we can work on getting some water time in in the mean time, and getting sponsorship from the club sports office, and the team can start competing in the fall.