Title of Entry.

Wow, that last one was my 50th entry, yay me.

Anyways I was bloghopping up until a few minutes ago, when I found an interesting page. Here’s what I have to show for it: (again click to see the whole thing)

Can you tell?

Go make your own.

Clean Socks!!!

A few people have been bugging me to update my blog, so here you go.. a few paragraphs of my life. I didn’t even realize people read this until some friends of mine bugged me on AIM about it. Wouldn’t kill you people who do read this to make a comment here and there…

A little background info…
In one of my morning classes, I had bombed a paper pretty bad, but I had gone to 2-3 of the instructor’s office hours to basically rewrite the paper (for no additional credit) so I could understand what the hell I was supposed to actually write about. At the end of the final one (the day before the next paper was due) I got to spend maybe 5 minutes going over a short outline I had prepared for the next paper.. not much time, so I had to wing a bunch of it, but I was a bit more prepared for this one than the previous, but I was still up until around 5am writing (the class is at 10am).

Now, on with my day…

Woke up, went to class, spoke to instructor afterwards about the second paper, and she wouldn’t tell me my grade, but that I did “much better” and “had something to smile about.” That was pretty encouraging, and I’m anxious to see what kind of grade I got on it.

After class, I went to the academic advising, as registration for Winter Term opens up this week, I did get some information in this meeting, but not much as far as the classes I’m going to end up taking next term (or subsequant terms).

I then went to the CIS building and was told to come back an hour or 2 later when the right people would be there.

So, I went to the EMU to mail off my power and cable bills. Then I went up-stairs to find legal services to make an appointment to talk about a risky business proposition I was recently presented with. It involves some easy money for me, so I’d kinda like to follow through with it.

Well, I thought I got information about the classes I was going to take Winter Term, but after going to the CIS building to talk to someone about getting my programming classes from Mesabi transfered to specific courses here (one is a prereq for a class I really wanted to get into). Turns out the guy I needed to talk to is out of town for the week, but the course I was looking forward to isn’t even offered. I guess I’ll have to find a catalog of offered classes and go back to another academic advising session. But I feel I did walk out of there with some information, so it was not a waste of time.

(beginning to seem like a long day, eh?)

Then, I went to McKenzie to follow up on a job possibility that was mentioned to me (from a previous time I went in there) and the guy I needed to talk to was there this time. Got to talk to him and got what sounds like an interview set up. This is for what seems like a dream job to me at this point, plus it’s on campus (so I don’t have to be traveling all over town). This is excellent, as I really do need a job.

blah blah blah.. went to my evening class…

Left early to try to catch the Ski Club‘s dry land practice, which I did, and found out what I’d need to do to join, and I’m pretty sure I’m doing it. Dry land consisted of quite a long jog IMHO (but it was probably actually under a mile), about 30-40 min of ultimate frisbee, some ab excercises, and some streaching. I can’t remember the last time I got so dehydrated, my ribs were getting a little cramped and I was hickuping all the way home (I think I’ll be investing in a water bottle in the immediate future).

Got home, started my laundry, cooked dinner, did dishes, finished the laundry, and now I have….